Friday, February 18, 2011


Hey there friends.  Thanks for visiting the Indie Alternative Rock Blog. This blog is for you, the "listener."  We want to create an environment for you to where you can read about the indie bands you love.   Usually indie music isn't aired on mainstream radio, so it's really hard to find the trends that are happening in the music industry.  It's also hard to find your own trends in the field of Indie music.  That's why we're here.  We want to show you awesome things about big bands, and great things about obscure bands so that we can help them advertise as well.

Another great thing about Indie music is that the genre is so broad.  We want to cover all topics concerning this genre.  The way we see it is like this: Indie music is like the idea of music on a smaller scale.  There are tons of different types.  And different people enjoy listening to those different types.  We don't want to be an "exclusive blog" where variety isn't present.  We want to please almost all listeners. 

One of the final things that we would like to show you as the reader are some of the emotions that we feel from listening to our favorites.  Listening to music is a worldwide hobby, and for us, our ways of listening change everyday.  We love getting new ideas on simple things such as setting your EQ's on your stereo system, or complex ideas such as theme or motive.

Just to give you a little taste of what is to come, here is a sample of 13 cool indie songs you might enjoy:

So feel free to visit as much as you'd like.  If you like the blog, tell your friends.  And if you hate it, feel free to leave suggestions at  We love advice. 
Thanks again.

The "Indie Team"

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